Photos Required : 24
Estimated Delivery Time : 1 working day after receiving photos
Size : 1920 x 1080
Length : 1 Minute 18 SecondsĀ
Send Photos Through : Whatsapp/Email
Video Received Through : Whatsapp/Email
Surprise someone special with this awesome video on his Birthday. Convey your wishes in a digital way!
Real Customers : Real Reviews

How to place an order ?
First place an order from our website by clicking on “Buy Now” button then fill out required information and then press “Place order” button after successful order there will be a button to open whatsapp to send required photos. Our whatsapp no. is +917665995936
How to send photos ?
After placing order on our website send the required photos on whatsapp or email.
Whatsapp no. – +917665995936
I am concerned about privacy of my photos
We totally understand your concern and respect your privacy. That’s why we have implemented strict photos privacy policy. After receiving your photos the first thing we do is to encrypt your photos so that no one can access the pictures. Even we can’t access your photos. The pictures are then printed through specially designed system so that no human interfere is done. Your pictures are immediately deleted right after printing. So don’t worry. We are extremely professional towards our work. Your pictures are 100% secure and safe.
How many days it will take to receive my video ?
Within One working day after receiving photos.
Is cash on delivery available ?
No, This is Personalized Gift that’s why we do not offer Cash On Delivery Facility.
I have not sufficient photos what can i do ?
That’s not a problem at all. We will add some quotations and messages to the product so that it will look more beautiful.